Friday, December 6, 2013


Ab training is a must if your trying to achieve a sexy flat stomach.   There are several workouts that work fast, your body is your best source of resistance, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get cut abs.  It all comes down to training faithfully at least 5 days a week and eating a clean diet. 

Here is a quick workout I usually do everyday to maintain my abs . For those of you just starting to workout I advise you to only complete this workout once a day because it could be a bit intense at first . This workout routine have been very affective for me and the best part is you could do it at home and no equipment is required ! 

25 Jumping Jacks
25 Crunches
20 mountain climbers
15 V-up sit ups 
1 minute v-sit
30 scissors 

REST 2 mintues

20 Reverse crunches 
10 side crunches on each side 
25 Bicycles 
25 crunches 
15 hip ups 
1 mintue plank hold 

Repeat twice a day for best results . You will that that sexy summer time body all year around in no time ! ;)


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